
What does TLC mean in construction?

What does TLC mean in construction?

How to Factor Remodeling Costs Into an Offer Price When Buying a House. Real-estate ads often contain clues about the size and condition of a home. The acronym TLC, which stands for “tender loving care,” is one such clue. An ad that states the home “needs TLC” warns buyers the home is a fixer-upper and needs repairs.

What does TLC stand for in cleaning?

If you’ve ever spent some time on sites like or you’ve probably come across a house listing or two that states, the property needs some “TLC”. We aren’t talking about the all women rap group or a TV station, but Tender, Loving, Care. In other words, the property needs some repairs.

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What does TLS mean in real estate?

When you see the letters TLC in a real estate listing, it means the home needs tender loving care.

What is TLC renovation?

In some cases “TLC” means “quick fixer-upper”—in other words, a house that needs cosmetic changes such as paint, carpeting, or refinished floors but is otherwise structurally sound.

What does it mean when a house needs cosmetic work?

One of the most effective means of enhancing the value of an apartment or house is through “cosmetic” renovations. These types of improvements are, ostensibly, surface upgrades that address the appearance of a property, rather than such structural changes as replacing or tearing down walls.

How do I give my boyfriend TLC?

Pay attention to his/her habits and suggest ways to improve them if necessary. Say “I love you” plenty of times everyday and mean it. Likewise, give your spouse plenty of hugs and kisses every moment you can find. Touch your partner lovingly and look into his/her eyes when he/she wants to communicate.

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Does TLC mean love?

tender loving care
Meaning of TLC in English abbreviation for tender loving care: kindness, love, and attention: He’ll need a lot of TLC when he gets out of hospital.

What does PR stand for in real estate?

When you buy a home, there is a lot of paperwork to review before all is said and done. One of those documents is called the title commitment, also known as the preliminary title report (PR for short), title work, or title binder.

What is TLC on a truck?

December 23, 2020 by Vehicle Freak. A commonly asked question in the vehicle industry is, “what does TLC mean?” Although car slang might not be known by the average person, everybody knows what tender loving care is. That is what TLC stands for tender loving care. Just like people, cars need to be cared for and loved.

What is a title TLC?

When a real estate agent lists a home and says that it needs a little tender-loving care, or TLC, it means that you’re going to have your work cut out for you. It could mean that there are major systems in the home that aren’t working, or that the house is pretty dated and could use a major refresh.

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What is considered cosmetic in a house?