
What European country has the lowest literacy rate?

What European country has the lowest literacy rate?

Among the European countries, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus have the highest literacy rate whereas Portugal, Malta, Turkey are amongst the countries having lowest literacy rate….European Countries Literacy Rate, 2015.

Country Literacy Rate (\%)
Belarus 100
Estonia 100
Latvia 100
Lithuania 100

What is the literacy rate in Portugal?

96.14 \%
Literacy rate, adult total (\% of people ages 15 and above) in Portugal was reported at 96.14 \% in 2018, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.

What is the literacy rate in Malta?

94.5 \%
In 2018, adult literacy rate for Malta was 94.5 \%. Adult literacy rate of Malta increased from 86.9 \% in 1985 to 94.5 \% in 2018 growing at an average annual rate of 2.12\%.

Which country has the lowest literacy rate Why?

South Sudan
The countries with the lowest literacy rate, defined as the ability to read and write at a specified age….Lowest Literacy Rates.

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1. South Sudan 27.0\%
2. Afghanistan 28.1
3. Niger 28.7
4. Burkina Faso 28.7
5. Mali 33.4

Which country has the best literacy rate?

Finland is the world’s most literate nation, according to new research, with the UK coming in 17th, behind countries including the US, Canada and Australia.

What country has the highest literacy rate in Europe?

Literacy rate, adult total (\% of people ages 15 and above) – Country Ranking – Europe

Rank Country Value
1 Ukraine 99.97
2 San Marino 99.92
3 Latvia 99.90
4 Estonia 99.89

How does the Portuguese education system work?

The school system in Portugal is organised in three sequential levels: pre-primary education (ages 3 to 5), basic education (typical ages 6 to 14) and secondary education (typical ages 15 to 17). Basic education is organised according to three cycles (Grades 1-4; Grades 5-6 and Grades 7-9) (see Figure 1).

What is the literacy rate of India 2020?

India’s literacy rate is at 75\%. Kerala has achieved a literacy rate of 93\%. Bihar is the least literate state in India, with a literacy of 63.82\%.

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Which country has the lowest literacy rate in the world in 2020?

Top 10 Least Literate Countries in the World: South Sudan – 2018 – 34.52\% Niger – 2018 – 35.05\% Mali – 2018 – 35.47\% Central African Republic – 37.40\%