
What exempts someone from being drafted?

What exempts someone from being drafted?

Veterans, generally exempt from service in peacetime draft.

What disabilities stop you from getting drafted?

What Types of Disabilities are Disqualifying?

  • Blindness or low vision that does not correct with glasses.
  • Deafness of hard of hearing, even with the use of a hearing aid.
  • History of Bariatric Surgery.
  • Anything that interferes with the proper wearing of a military uniform or equipment. Limitation of motion. HIV or AIDS.

What makes someone unfit for military service?

“Unfit for duty” means you are unable to perform the duties of your “office, grade, rank or rating” due to your illness or injury. To be found unfit for duty, you: must have a medical condition that disqualifies you from fitness for service, and.

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Can I be drafted if I have asthma?

Asthma can be a disqualifying condition that prohibits military service. If your symptoms are mild, you may be able to obtain a waiver that can allow you to join. This can involve passing one or more tests of respiratory strength, as well as completing a physical examination.

Can a person with a disability be drafted?

Not necessarily. Since currently, no draft is in effect, the government is not allowed to “classify” men as able or unable to serve in the military. A man with an induction notice may not even need to appear for mental, moral, and physical testing if you provide sufficient medical documentation beforehand.

What is medically unfit?

adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] If you are unfit, your body is not in good condition because you have not been taking regular exercise.

Can you join the military with mild asthma?

Can you get kicked out of the military for asthma?

Asthma, only if requiring treatment after a recruit’s 13th birthday, may disqualify an individual from serving. This is a change from the military’s previous disqualification of all candidates with any history of asthma. If the individual carries an inhaler, he or she is likely to be disqualified.