
What factors should you consider when choosing PPE?

What factors should you consider when choosing PPE?

There are seven essential factors to consider when figuring out which PPE is the right fit for your work environment.

  • Climate.
  • Threat Level.
  • Balancing Comfort & Safety.
  • Presence of Vehicles & Forklifts.
  • Sizing & Proper Fit.
  • Industry.
  • Cost of PPE.

What personal protective equipment PPE is needed for use with the product?

Including gloves, gowns, shoe covers, head covers, masks, respirators, eye protection, face shields, and goggles. Gloves help protect you when directly handling potentially infectious materials or contaminated surfaces.

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What is the importance of selecting and using the right PPE?

PPE is equipment that will protect workers against health or safety risks on the job. The purpose is to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective to reduce these risks to acceptable levels.

How do you select and care for PPE?

Ask questions to make sure you know when and what PPE should be worn, and why it should be worn….

  1. Inspect PPE before and after each use.
  2. Take care of PPE at all times.
  3. Clean all PPE after use.
  4. Repair or replace damaged or broken PPE.
  5. Store PPE in clean dry air – free from exposure to sunlight or contaminants.

What are the 3 steps to choosing proper PPE?

Take these five basic steps to assess workplace hazards and select the best PPE to protect employees.

  1. Conduct a walk-through survey of work areas to identify workplace hazards. Look for all the basic hazard categories:
  2. Consider sources of risk. Observe sources of:
  3. Organize data.
  4. Analyze data.
  5. Select appropriate PPE.
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What constitutes personal protective equipment when Should personal protective equipment be worn Why is personal protective equipment important?

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE”, is equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards.

Which factors should be considered when selecting PPE for arm and hand protection?

Consider abrasion, cut, puncture, tear-resistance, and grip requirements. For work involving chemicals where there is a skin absorption hazard, double gloving of the appropriate type may be necessary.

What are the three steps to choosing proper PPE?

4 Steps to Choosing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s) for Hands

  1. Step 1: ARE YOUR WORKER’S WEARING THE CORRECT HAND-WEAR PPE? Hazards to consider when deciding on the appropriate hand-wear PPE:
  3. STEP 3: Identify the Level Of Protection.

What PPE do you put on first?

The order for putting on PPE is Apron or Gown, Surgical Mask, Eye Protection (where required) and Gloves. The order for removing PPE is Gloves, Apron or Gown, Eye Protection, Surgical Mask. Perform hand hygiene immediately on removal.

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Which of the following is not an example of personal protective equipment?

Uniforms, caps, or other clothing worn solely to identify a person as an employee would not be considered PPE because such items are not being worn for protection from a workplace hazard. Similarly, items worn to keep employees clean for purposes unrelated to safety or health are not considered PPE.

Which of the following is not an example of appropriate PPE?