
What font does NZ Herald use?

What font does NZ Herald use?

Sans Forgetica
Introducing Sans Forgetica, the font designed to boost your memory – NZ Herald.

What font is best for body text online?

Beautiful Internet: 10 of the Best Fonts for the Web

  1. Tisa. Tisa is probably the best substitute for the default Helvetica or Arial on the web.
  2. Oswald & Abel.
  3. Alternate Gothic.
  4. Open Sans.
  5. Alegreya.
  6. Titillium Sans and Dosis.
  7. Merriweather.
  8. Yellowtail.

What is the most common text font?

Helvetica Helvetica remains the world’s most popular font.

Is serif or sans serif better online?

Historically, because serif fonts have more detail, they tend to work better in larger sizes (and in Print). San-serif fonts work well with more diminutive web copy (or on the Web in general). At small sizes, san-serif works better for body text and regular copy, while serif is appropriate for paragraph headers.

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What is the best font for body?

Fonts Suitable for Body Copy

  • Baskerville.
  • Avenir.
  • Sabon.
  • Garamond.
  • Palatino.
  • Hoefler Text.
  • Caslon.
  • Georgia.

What is a good font to use for a website?

Examples include Times New Roman, Georgia and Bodoni. Sans serif fonts: These are fonts without serif lines at the end of their letters. Sans serifs are clean, modern and often neutral-looking, making them a great fit for web design. Examples include Wix’s own Madefor font, Helvetica, and the infamous Comic Sans.

What fonts are on all computers?

Common fonts for Windows & Mac

  • Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif.
  • Arial Black, Gadget, Sans-Serif.
  • Comic Sans MS, Textile, Cursive.
  • Courier New, Courier, Monospace.
  • Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif.
  • Impact, Charcoal, Sans-Serif.
  • Lucida Console, Monaco, Monospace.
  • Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Sans-Serif.

Which fonts are more often used online?

When it comes to content, the most popular fonts are Georgia, Helvetica and Arial. These fonts are also defaults on a lot of word editors, so they are used because they feel familiar to readers.