
What game has a lot of endings?

What game has a lot of endings?

Alternate endings

Game Release year Number of endings
428: In a Blockaded Shibuya 2008 85
Der Langrisser 1995 75
Princess Maker 2 1993 74
Time Travelers 2012 71

Does Ace Attorney have bad endings?

Finally, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has a bazillion short unique “bad ending” cutscenes depending on when you fail. The only Ace Attorney game that doesn’t have one of these bad ending conditions is Trials & Tribulations.

How many games does ace attorney have?

The series currently consists of six main series games and five spin-offs.

How long are the Ace Attorney games?

When focusing on the main objectives, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is about 17½ Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 22½ Hours to obtain 100\% completion.

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Which game has the most ending?

1 Star Ocean: Second Evolution – 100 The game with the most endings by far is Star Ocean: Second Evolution.

Can you fail Ace Attorney?

With the exception of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, should the player lose, the player is given the opportunity to start again at the point where they failed, or go back to the title screen. The Great Ace Attorney also uses a system similar to Confidence Icons for dance of deduction.

Did Phoenix Wright lose?

Mr. Phoenix Wright! The daughter of legendary prosecutor Manfred von Karma. Born and raised in Germany, she became a prosecutor at the age of 13, and hasn’t lost a case since.

What is the longest case in Ace Attorney?

Rise from the Ashes
Trial data Episode 5: Turnabout Revolution is the fifth and final episode of the main story of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice. Taking around 12 hours to complete, it is one of the longest episodes in the Ace Attorney series rivalling Rise from the Ashes in terms of length.

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How many hours is Phoenix Wright?

PHOENIX WRIGHT: ACE ATTORNEY TRILOGY is a compilation that collects the first three adventures of Capcom’s clever, sharply dressed lawyer into a single game that offers 15 cases spanning nearly 50 hours of playtime.

How many Ace Attorney games are there in total?

The Ace Attorney series launched in Japan with the Game Boy Advance game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in 2001, and has been published in the West since the release of a Nintendo DS port in 2005. The series currently consists of six main series games and five spin-offs.

What happens at the end of Ace Attorney cases?

The endings of Ace Attorney cases, especially the final ones in each game, are often goofy and wild, but their deus ex machinas follow a certain pattern. Ultimately, they argue that an individual attempting to do good under a system of injustice needs two things: perseverance and a good group of allies.

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When did Ace Attorney Justice for all come out?

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All is the second entry in the series. It was originally released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002 in Japan; it has also been released for the Nintendo DS in 2006, Microsoft Windows in 2008, and the Wii in 2010.

Is the Great Ace Attorney chronicles worth playing?

It’s a shame, because The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is a good Ace Attorney game. It’s funny and heartwarming and full of character in all the right ways. In drawing attention to the series’ themes through its setting, it actually made me appreciate the way those themes exist in the other games more.