
What group of fish are sharks in?

What group of fish are sharks in?

The sharks, rays, and chimaeras make up the second group of fish, the Class Chondrichthyes. Sharks are one of the earliest known jawed fishes.

What family do sharks belong to?

family Elasmobranchii
Sharks come from the family Elasmobranchii within the class Chondrichthyes. Members of the Elasmobrandchii family have skeletons made out of cartilage instead of bone.

Is a shark an animal yes or no?

No, sharks are not mammals, but actually fall under the category, or class, of fish. All species of sharks are classified as fish, and further fall into the subclass of Elasmobranchii. It has often been questioned why sharks are fish, while other large sea creatures – like dolphins or whales – are mammals.

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Do sharks lay egg?

There are over 500 species of shark living in waters around the world and the majority give birth to live young. The remainder are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs. Empty shark-egg cases occasionally wash up on coastlines around the world, including in Britain.

How does shark sleep?

Some sharks such as the nurse shark have spiracles that force water across their gills allowing for stationary rest. Sharks do not sleep like humans do, but instead have active and restful periods.

What are the fish called that swim with sharks?

While there are a lot of species that swim with sharks the two most prominent ones that come to my mind is the Remora and Pilot fish. A not so picky eater the remora fish attaches itself the the shark. These fish also attach to whales, tuna, sea turtles and many other large animals in the sea.

Is a shark considered a fish?

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A shark is a fish — more specifically, they are cartilaginous fish. These types of fish have a skeleton made of cartilage, rather than bone. Sharks, along with skates and rays, are classified in the class Elasmobranchii , which comes from the Greek word elasmos (metal plate) and Latin word branchus (gill).

Are sharks mammals or fish?

No, sharks are not mammals. All species of sharks are classified as fish. Sharks do not have mammary glands, and do not feed their young, so are therefore disqualified from being named mammals. Sharks use gills to breath with, as fish do, rather than lungs that exchange respiratory gases.

Is the shark a fish or a mammal?

A shark is not considered a mammal. Sharks are considered members of the paraphyletic group of organisms that contain gills, or in other words, fish.