
What guitars have the widest neck?

What guitars have the widest neck?

Top 10 Wide Neck Acoustic Guitars

  • Washburn Vintage Series R314KK Acoustic.
  • Seagull Coastline S6 Cedar Folk.
  • Recording King Ros-16 Studio Series 12th Fret 000 Acoustic.
  • Seagull S-6 Original.
  • Seagull Artist Mosaic.
  • Seagull Coastline Momentum HG Acoustic-Electric.

Which acoustic guitar has the widest nut width?

The Cordoba C10 and C12 are both at 2.04″ nut width, which is the widest we’ve ever seen. However, it’s likely there are other six-string classical guitars out there with a a similar measurement, perhaps even slightly wider.

Is a wider neck easier to play?

If you have large hands, yes, wide neck guitars are much easier to play. The way you can’t fit a football into a golf hole, you can’t fit large fingers into small frets or string spacings.

Can you strum classical guitars?

Although it is possible to strum with a pick on a classical guitar, often a lot of the time it doesn’t sound that good. When you strum nylon strings with a pick they tend to sound dull. You will hear strumming in flamenco music but this is often done with the fingernails and not with the pick.

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Are there different widths of guitar necks?

Standard neck width is usually either 43mm (1 11/16″) or 44mm (1.73”, more often referred to as 1 ¾”). Nylon-string classical guitar necks are typically much wider at anywhere between 47mm and 51mm (2″), as are many gypsy jazz guitars (which incidentally are steel strung).

Do classical guitars have wider necks?

The classical guitar has a wider neck, which changes the way the strings are pressed when compared to acoustic guitars and other designs.

Why shouldn’t you use a pick on a classical guitar?

A lot of people use a pick on a classical guitar. It’s just that traditional players will never use a pick and always play with their fingers. We don’t recommend using a thumb pick as classical guitars already have a balanced tone and a thumb pick would make the bass strings too loud.