
What happened to Moser Baer shares?

What happened to Moser Baer shares?

The National Stock Exchange will delist nine companies, including Lanco Infratech Ltd. The exchange said it has been decided to delist [withdraw the admission to dealings] equity shares of these companies with effect from Oct. 17, 2019.

Who is owner of Moser Baer?

Deepak Puri

Deepak Puri
Occupation Chairman, Moser Baer
Spouse(s) NIta Puri
Children Ratul Puri
Website Profile at Moser Baer website

What is Moser Baer share?

1.05. Today’s Open (Rs.) 1.05.

What is the disadvantage of liquidation?

disadvantages to Liquidation The business will no longer be able to trade and will likely be restricted from using the same or similar company name again in the future. Any employees will lose their jobs and so will the directors. Shareholders may have to repay illegal dividends (not paid out of profit).

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Can a company continue to trade when in liquidation?

The short and sweet answer to this question is no, it cannot. Once the decision has been made to force a business into liquidation there is very little to no way back for the company and its directors. The main objective of a liquidation order is to close a business down and cease all trading across the board.

How long can a company be liquidated?

There is no legal time limit on business liquidation. From beginning to end, it usually takes between six and 24 months to fully liquidate a company. Of course, it does depend on your company’s position and the form of liquidation you’re undertaking. What happens next?

Can a company continue to trade after liquidation?

When should you stop trading?

If the company is solvent, the only way to cease trading without the risk of creditor claims and enforcement action is to repay all of its debts before it is made dormant or dissolved. If the company is insolvent, a formal insolvency procedure such as a creditors’ voluntary liquidation must be used to close it down.

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Can a liquidated corporation start again?

Life after the liquidation of a company can continue, with some restrictions in place to avoid confusion for creditors and other stakeholders. More often than not, it is a common occurrence for companies to close but for their trading, brand and assets to continue under a new legal entity.