
What happens if there is a temple in front of the house?

What happens if there is a temple in front of the house?

The first rule is that the house or plot should be at least 25 meters or 80 feet away from the entrance of the temple. The second rule is that the house or property’s gate should not face a temple directly. The third and by far the most important rule is that the shadow of a temple must never fall on the house.

Can we build house in front of Temple?

There are a few things you need to consider before you go about doing it. Your new home must be at least 50 meters away from the temple. Also, you have to keep in mind which deity resides in the temple close by. Deities in temples fall under two different categories – satwika devas and roudra devas.

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Where should we keep Mandir at home?

– Mandir or altar is the king of all Vastu rules — place it in the North-East and everything will start falling in place. Also, face the East while praying. – Kitchen is the symbol of prosperity and should be ideally placed in the southeast.

What was the reason for building temples?

A temple (from the Latin ‘templum’) is a structure usually built for the purpose of, and always dedicated to, religious or spiritual activities including prayer, meditation, sacrifice and worship.

Is it OK to buy house near Temple?

As per vastu principles, it is not advised to purchase a house near a temple. – As per vastu for temple, your house entrance should never face the temple directly. – The shadow of the temple should never fall on your house directly.

What should we keep in front of main door?

What should be placed in front of main door? A clean house, especially the main entrance, attracts positive energy. Avoid keeping dustbins, broken chairs or stools, near the main door.

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Is marble temple good for home?

Marble temple or marble mandir is good for home. Vaastu experts recommend marble temples for homes. If budget is not a problem for you then go for white marble to make a temple in your home. No doubt it is an expensive material but it looks so elegant, graceful and neat.

Can we keep Temple in bedroom?

Ideally, a mandir should be in the kitchen or living room in case you don’t have much space. But if that doesn’t work out, you can keep the mandir in the bedroom only in the northeast direction of the bedroom. While sleeping, your feet should not point towards the mandir.

Why should we visit temple?

It becomes easy for a devotee to concentrate in worshiping God in a temple where hundreds of devotees come for the same purpose. This state is the best state for offering Puja to God when body and mind remain in unison. It is said that God lies in faith. Temple is a place where people believe that God exists.

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Why temple are built in India?

In this country, in ancient times, temples were built only for Shiva, nobody else. It was only later that the other temples came up because people started focusing on immediate wellbeing. So a temple is a hole through which you enter into a space “which is not.”

Is it good to have house near Temple?

Home Near Temple Vastu As per vastu principles, it is not advised to purchase a house near a temple. If you purchase a land or building around which you have a temple, seeking professional help is a must.