
What happens if you get caught on the GO train without a ticket?

What happens if you get caught on the GO train without a ticket?

As set out under the Penalty Fares regulations, passengers found without a valid ticket for their journey must pay a penalty fare of either: £20. twice the full single-fare to the next station at which the train calls, whichever is the greater.

Do ticket inspectors get commission?

According to a Department for Transport consultation, inspectors receive 5 per cent commission on the value of penalty fares they collect. The Government is planning to more than double the penalty fares train operators will be allowed to charge. The penalty fare scheme is operated by a number of train operators.

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Did you know? You can be fined $261 if you don’t have a valid ticket or go card when travelling on public transport.

How many people are caught travelling without a railway ticket in Mumbai?

More than 32,000 commuters were caught travelling without a ticket on the suburban section of Central Railway in May this year. Similarly, ticket checkers of the Mumbai division of Western Railway caught more than 14,000 people who were travelling without a ticket. Most of them were travelling in the suburban section.

Can long-distance trains travel in Mumbai Suburban Railway?

Central Railway announced on 15.12.2020 that passengers of long-distance trains are permitted to travel in suburban trains o­n Mumbai Suburban Network subject to following conditions:

Are women allowed to travel with their children in Mumbai Metro Trains?

Western Railway announced that Railway Board has only permitted the ladies passengers to travel in local trains during the stipulated hours over Mumbai Metropolitan region. However, it has been noticed that women passengers are travelling with their Child/Children.

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When will fully vaccinated people be allowed on Mumbai’s local trains?

(Express photo) Four months after the Maharashtra government had shut down local train services for the general public to stop Covid-19 spread, fully vaccinated people have now been allowed to board suburban locals in Mumbai at least 14 days after taking their second dose.