
What happens if you miss ICAI PT test?

What happens if you miss ICAI PT test?

If you are not satisfied with your grade, you will be given two more chances to re-appear in the test. A nominal fee of Rs. 200 will be charged for every repeat attempt. The best grade will be considered for inclusion in the marksheet.

Is practical assessment test compulsory?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has introduced Articleship Assessment Tests that students are eligible for once they’ve completed their 1st and 2nd year of practical training. The tests are compulsory and take place in the month of September for those undergoing training between April and June.

What is practical training assessment ICAI?

The Board of Studies has been conducting practical training assessment for students pursuing practical training after completion of first and second year of training and the average grade of both the levels was being included in the Final marksheet of the students when the student qualifies the CA Course.

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What is practical assessment test?

These tests are being introduced to assess the knowledge gained by the students during the course of practical training and their ability to apply their subject specific skills while undergoing their training in that particular area. Hence, there is no defined syllabus for these tests.

Is ICAI PTT test compulsory?

Advanced ITT Course is compulsory as per Regulation 29(D). ICAI CA Final eligibility Criteria 2021 consist of completing the Advanced ITT Course as mandatory. The fee for the MCS course and ITT Course is 7000 to 5000 and 7500 to 5500.

How can I get ICAI membership?

Students who wish to take the ICAI’s CA membership can apply from at the official website, The fee payment option for the same will conclude on March 31 for the year 2021-22. Qualified candidates after getting the membership will be eligible to prefix “CA” to their names.

Is dummy Articleship possible?

Dummy Articleship is basically when you get registered under a CA for the mandatory training period of 3 years under the CA course but you don’t actually go to the office for training. Two things: It is contravention of the guidelines. Basically what you’re doing can also be termed as fraud!