
What happens to the friction force when you stop applying force?

What happens to the friction force when you stop applying force?

To keep it going with constant velocity you have to push with a force equal in magnitude to the force of kinetic friction. If you stop pushing, the force of kinetic friction will produce an acceleration in the opposite direction of the velocity, and the cabinet will slow down and stop.

How can we overcome the frictional force?

There are several ways to reduce friction:

  1. The use of bearing surfaces that are themselves sacrificial, such as low shear materials, of which lead/copper journal bearings are an example.
  2. Replace sliding friction with rolling element friction, such as with the use of rolling element bearings.
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How can we lessen the force of friction of an object that we push?

Friction causes a force on a surface which is in the opposite direction to its motion. Friction can be reduced by the application of lubricants.

Is friction force equal to applied force?

The frictional force opposing the motion of the crate is equal to the applied force but acting in the opposite direction. This frictional force is called static friction. When we increase the applied force (push harder), the frictional force will also increase until it reaches a maximum value.

Why is it important to overcome or reduce friction?

Objects moving through fluids such as air or water also encounter frictional forces which reduce their motion. Friction prevents objects from moving or slows them down. It also causes wear on surfaces as they rub against each other and generates heat. Thus energy is wasted in overcoming friction.

What is the force required to overcome friction at the instant an object starts moving from rest?

The force required to overcome friction at the instant an object starts moving from rest is a measure of static friction. On the other hand, the force required to keep the object moving with the same speed is a measure of sliding friction.

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What does reducing friction mean?

The reduced friction means there is less wear on the car’s moving parts and less heat produced. Ice causes very little friction, which is why it is easy to slip over on an icy day.