
What happens to the kinetic energy when the intensity of light is doubled?

What happens to the kinetic energy when the intensity of light is doubled?

The intensity of the light is doubled. What happens to the kinetic energy of the electrons? Since photons interact with on electron only, this means a doubling in the number of electrons ejected in a given time will occur but the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons will be unchanged. 6.

What happens to the kinetic energy of photoelectrons if the intensity of incident radiation is increased?

If the intensity of the incident radiation is increased, there is no effect on the kinetic energies of the photoelectrons. The kinetic energy depends only on the frequency on the light, and hence the energy provided by each photon.

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What happens when the light intensity incident on the photoelectric surface is doubled?

The number of emitted electrons is doubled.

Is the intensity of incident radiation on a metal is doubled what happens to the kinetic energy of electrons emitted?

Answer:The energy remains same. No change in kinetic energy takes place.

When the intensity of the light increases the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons increases?

The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron increases as the frequency of the incident light increases. 2. The number of electrons emitted is proportional to the intensity of the incident light. Einstein explained the photoelectric effect experimental result using light quanta, photons.

What is the effect of intensity of incident light on the speed of photoelectron?

As intensity of incident light (in photoelectric effect) increases, the number of photoelectrons emitted per unit time increases.

What will be the effect in kinetic energy of photoelectron when intensity of incident photon is doubled?

In photoelectric effect if the intensity of light is doubled then maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons will become. Kmax of photoelectrons doesn’t depends upon intensity of incident light .

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How does the kinetic energy of photoelectrons varies with intensity of incident photon?

In classical theory, the photoelectron absorbs electromagnetic energy in a continuous way; this means that when the incident radiation has a high intensity, the kinetic energy in Equation 6.3. 1 is expected to be high. Similarly, when the radiation has a low intensity, the kinetic energy is expected to be low.

Is intensity of incident light is doubled then?

In a photoelectric experiment, if both the intensity and frequency of the incident light are doubled, then the saturation photoelectric current. Therefore, the saturation photoelectric current becomes doubled, when both intensity and frequency of the incident light are doubled.

What happens to the photo electric current If wavelength of incident light is increased?

For photoelectric effect to occur, the energy of the photon must be greater than the work function. As the wavelength of the incident light decreases but is lower than the cut-off wavelength, the maximum kinetic energy of the photo electrons increases.

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What is effect on retarding potential if frequency of of incident light it is increased?

An increase in frequency of the incident light increases the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons, so greater retarding potential is required to stop them completely.

What is meant by the work function of a metal?

The work function (WF) of a metal can be defined as the minimum energy required to extract one electron from a metal. Obviously the WF is one of the fundamental electronic properties of bare and coated metallic surfaces.