
What happens when a narcissist loses control of a situation?

What happens when a narcissist loses control of a situation?

If there seems to be a loss of control over something or someone in their life a narcissist will tighten the reigns and take actions to re-establish it. If this isn’t possible, they will try to destroy the individual attacking them covertly to prevent the person from being able to defend themselves.

How does a narcissist play the victim role?

A narcissist will play the victim role over and over and over. You begin to feel like their number one enemy. They are extremely good at the victim role and can convince the kindest person in the world that they are to blame for all the narcissist’s problems and unhappiness. Every bad feeling the narcissist has is somehow your fault.

What happens when a narcissist pulls a disappearing act?

When they have pulled every trick in the book and they still can’t control you, expect your narcissistic partner to pull a disappearing act on you. They might disappear in hopes of getting your attention so you beg them to come back; or, they will disappear for real in search of new supply. In this case, you will probably never see them again.

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How to get a narcissist to leave you alone?

Ignore the narcissist for as long as it takes. Stick to your decision even when things get tough and eventually, he’ll find a new source of supply, and he’ll finally leave you alone. You’ll once again get to experience a normal life without narcissistic abuse.

How can you tell if a narcissist is playing you?

If they act like nothing has happened and if they are able to do regular things without any problem, they are probably playing you. People who are real victims will still be bothered and agitated after the episode. Real victims are not able to immediately bounce back to their daily routine. Narcissists can turn any situation to their advantage.