
What happens when zinc oxide reacts with carbon?

What happens when zinc oxide reacts with carbon?

Zinc oxide reacts with carbon, on heating, to form zinc metal and carbon monoxide. (i) Zinc oxide is the oxidising agent as it oxidises carbon to carbon monoxide.

What happen when CO is heated with ZnO?

Answer Expert Verified (i) CO is heated with ZnO because CO acts as a reducing agent, when CO reacts with ZnO, it reduces ZnO to Zn.

What happens when zinc oxide reacts with carbon explain the type of reaction 3 along with a balanced chemical equation?

ZnO + C → Zn + CO. In the following chemical reaction “zinc oxide reacts with carbon to produce zinc metal and carbon monoxide”.

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When zinc oxide is heated with carbon zinc metal and carbon monoxide are formed?

The reaction of zinc oxide with carbon monoxide forms the product zinc metal and carbon dioxide. Zinc oxide is reduced to metallic zinc and carbon monoxide is oxidized to carbon dioxide. The oxidation state of zinc in ZnO is +2.

What does zinc oxide look like?

Crude zinc oxide is a yellow-gray granular solid with no odor. It is insoluble in water.

Is zinc oxide a compound or element?

Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a common inorganic compound with a large number of uses. It is insoluble in water but soluble in dilute acids and bases.

How is zinc oxide obtained from zinc sulfide?

At temperatures between about 230–430 °C (446–806 °F), H2S is converted to water by the following reaction: H2S + ZnO → H2O + ZnS. The zinc sulfide (ZnS) is replaced with fresh zinc oxide when the zinc oxide has been consumed.

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What type of reaction is zinc oxide carbon?

(b) Zinc carbonate(s) → Zinc oxide(s) + Carbon dioxide(g) It is decomposition reaction.

Which type of reaction is this ZnO C Zn Co?

redox reaction
ZnO+C⟶Zn +CO is a type of redox reaction. The above reaction is an example of a redox reaction, which means both oxidation and reduction occurs simultaneously.