
What is 1st division in Sol?

What is 1st division in Sol?

As per this unique system of grading a person securing between 70\%- 60\% is said to get a First class. While a score of 60\%- 50\% will get you 2nd division and 50\%- 40\% will get you a third division.

What does first division means in DU?

First Division. 50\% or more but less than 60\% Second Division. 40\% or more but less than 50\% Third Division.

How many numbers do you need for 1st division?

List of grades

Percentage of Marks Division
60 – 100 First
45 – 59.99 Second
33 – 44.99 Third
0 – 32.99 Fail

What percentage do you need for 1st Division?

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Most Common

Grade Scale Grade Description
60.00 – 100.00 First Division/First Class
50.00 – 59.99 Second Class/Second Division
30.00 – 49.99 Third Class/Third Division/Pass Class
G Conceded Pass/Grace Marks

How much percentage is required for 1st Division?

Answer: In the percentage system, marks are converted to a percentage which is then assigned to a category of four ranks known as divisions: Distinction, which is 75\% and above; 1st Division, which is between 60\% and 75\%; 2nd Division, which is between 50\% and 60\%; and 3rd Division, which is between 40\% and 50\%.

What is the procedure to get admission in Sol du?

SOL DU Admission Aspirants can apply online for all courses on the official website of SOL, DU. Students belonging to the EWS and EOS category also have the option to apply offline and submit the application form directly at the campus. To apply for undergraduate courses, candidates should have passed class 10+2 from a recognized board.

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Is Du Sol impossible to score in?

However, I scored 99.8\% (74/75) in Management accounts, so there really isn’t any doubt in my mind that it’s not possible to score in DU SOL. Anyone who is wondering what my 3 year aggregate was, it was 60.1\%, 71.1\% and 69\% for each year resp. So three year agg is 66.73 \% [First Division]. Yeah, Buddy it’s tough but not impossible.

What are the online courses offered by Du Sol UG 2021?

DU SOL UG Online Admission 2021 Delhi University School of Open Learning has also started 5 courses last year in online mode. The institute provides courses like BA (Prog.), BA (H) English, BA (H) Political Science, B.Com (Prog.), and B.Com (H) at Undergraduate level.

Is there any problem in admission in Sol University?

There was no problem in admission in sol as the passing marks student can get admission here easily and there are no age restrictions. The admission process is so simple that one can get admission there by sitting at home by just filling a form online on.