
What is a complementary medical practitioner?

What is a complementary medical practitioner?

A complementary health practitioner practices complementary medicine, known as alternative therapy, alternative medicine, holistic therapy and traditional medicine. Complementary medicine includes vitamins, minerals, Chinese medicine and herbal and homoeopathic products, and therapies such as acupuncture and Reiki.

What is a traditional medicine practitioner?

With this tremendous expansion in the use of traditional medicines worldwide, safety and efficacy as well as quality control of herbal medicines and traditional procedure-based therapies have become important concerns for many of these countries.

What is the difference between a complementary therapist and medical practitioner?

A complementary therapist is not a doctor Registered medical doctors (GPs) may train in one or more types of complementary therapy. However, complementary therapists aren’t required by law to have any conventional medical training, registration or qualifications at all.

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What is another term for complementary medicine?

The terms alternative medicine, complementary medicine, integrative medicine, holistic medicine, natural medicine, unorthodox medicine, fringe medicine, unconventional medicine, and new age medicine are used interchangeably as having the same meaning and are almost synonymous in most contexts.

What is the difference between complementary medicine and alternative medicine?

Complementary medicine is used along with standard medical treatment but is not considered by itself to be standard treatment. One example is using acupuncture to help lessen some side effects of cancer treatment. Alternative medicine is used instead of standard medical treatment.

What do you call a practitioner of traditional medicine?

The traditional medicine practitioner, also called traditional healer, plays a pivotal role in the health care system in Mali.

What is traditional medicine called?

Traditional medicine (also known as indigenous or folk medicine) comprises medical aspects of traditional knowledge that developed over generations within the folk beliefs of various societies before the era of modern medicine.

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Why people use traditional and complementary medicine?

People want natural products and want to have more control over their health. They turn to complementary and alternative medicine to relieve common symptoms, improve their quality of life and protect against illness and diseases in a holistic way.

What is the difference between modern medicine and traditional medicine?

Modern medicine demands standard dosages that tend to vary only with bodyweight or severity of disease. Traditional healers are more likely to give their patients a unique dosage or combination of medicines that is concocted only during the consultation and based on the patient’s symptoms.

What are the differences between traditional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine give examples of each type of medicine?