
What is a focal central disc protrusion?

What is a focal central disc protrusion?

A bulge involves more than half of the circumference of an intervertebral disc (greater than 180 degrees) whereas a disc herniation involves less than half. A focal disc protrusion occur when its base involves less than 90 degrees of the disc circumference.

What is posterior disc bulge?

A bulging disc occurs when the nucleus pulposus—the soft, jelly-like center of the disc that gives the disc shock-absorbing capacities—extends beyond its normal position inside the disc structure, but remains contained within the annulus fibrosus.

What is diffuse bulge L5 S1?

The bulging disc is a desiccation of the disc that may occur with the aging process or with injury. The L4-5 and L5-S1 discs are the most commonly affected. The annulus may thin or bulge or weaken to the point that disc material may extrude into the spinal canal.

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What are the symptoms of a L5 S1 disc protrusion?

Symptoms of a disc protrusion include: Try to stand up and move as much as possible. Frequently stand up to walk, and consider getting a standing desk. Depending on the pain level of your L5 S1, a number of treatment options can give you some (at least temporary) relief:

What are the signs and symptoms of L5 retrolisthesis over S1 vertebrae?

Minimal retrolisthesis of L5 over S1 vertebrae. Mild diffuse annular bulge of L4-5 disc with small annular tear mildly compressing ventral & ventrolateral aspects of thecal sac and exiting nerve roots at both sides. Mild posterior bulge of L5-S1 disc mildly indenting exiting nerve roots.

What is the reason for L5 S1 disc sequestration?

L5 S1 Disc Sequestration- one of reasons is improper and stressful life and Gym in such situations or Traumatic incidents. The weight you carry, 70\% is taken by your muscles and only 30\% by bones. With Stress and physical weight, your nerves go weaker and needs to be managed well.

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What are my treatment options for L5 S1 disc pain?

Depending on the pain level of your L5 S1, a number of treatment options can give you some (at least temporary) relief: Physiotherapy—Physiotherapists can help you stretch and strengthen muscles in your back. Stand Up and Move—Sitting for long periods of time puts pressure on the L5 S1 disc.