
What is a good mix with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum?

What is a good mix with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum?

Captain Morgan Spiced Rum Drink Recipes

  • Lime juice.
  • Ginger ale.
  • Sour mix.
  • Cranberry juice.
  • Orange juice.
  • 6 Oz Cola.
  • Ice.
  • Iced tea.

What mixers can you put with spiced rum?

Here are the seven best things to mix with spiced rum.

  • Coke. A simple Rum and Coke is one of the most recognized bar orders, and it’s been in the drinking lexicon in one way or another since the early 1900s.
  • Cold Brew.
  • Ginger Beer.
  • Apple Cider.
  • Pineapple Juice.
  • Lemonade.
  • Iced Tea.

What can you mix spiced rum with besides Coke?

8 of the Best Rum Mixers

  • Lemons/Limes.
  • Club Soda.
  • Tonic Water.
  • Pineapple Juice.
  • Coconut Water.
  • Coca-Cola.
  • Flavored Seltzer.
  • Ginger Beer.
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Is Captain Morgan Spiced Rum good with Sprite?

Fill a mixing glass with ice. Add the spiced rum and top up with sprite. Stir and serve in a highball glass with ice.

Does rum go well with Sprite?

White rum goes hand in hand with fruit flavors. There is no combination that goes together better. Which is exactly why the refreshingly smooth taste of a high quality rum and the lemon-lime bite of Sprite makes such a perfect cocktail.

Is Captain Morgan good with Dr Pepper?

Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum is a popular pairing with Dr Pepper, one that amps up the spiciness from subtle to aggressive.

Which Captain Morgan is best?

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum Their collection has become impressive, but they had to start somewhere. Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum is a classic spiced rum. There’s nothing too flashy about it and it doesn’t try to be fancy, it’s just a good all-around rum.

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Does Dr Pepper go with spiced rum?

Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum is a popular pairing with Dr Pepper, one that amps up the spiciness from subtle to aggressive. A cocktail named Dr.