
What is a good random battle rating Pokemon Showdown?

What is a good random battle rating Pokemon Showdown?

I’d say around 1600-1700. You can win through skill up to then. After that it’s much more influenced by chance, as everyone should know what they are doing and it really just depends on the team composition you get.

What is the highest rating in Pokemon Showdown?

gen7randombattle top 500

Name Elo
1 Teres bahji 1993
2 1v1ers 1980
3 Bjtsfg 1940
4 BreakerX 1940

What is a good GXE in Pokemon Showdown?

Elo is the main ladder rating. It’s a pretty normal ladder rating: goes up when you win and down when you lose. GXE (Glicko X-Act Estimate) is an estimate of your win chance against an average ladder player….The K factor is:

  • K = 50 if Elo is 1100 – 1299.
  • K = 40 if Elo is 1300 – 1599.
  • K = 32 if Elo is 1600 or higher.
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What is high ladder Pokemon Showdown?

Top 500 is considered high ladder (2080 and above rn)

What is a good ELO Pokemon Showdown?

If you’re talking about OU, it gets good about 1800 onwards, from my experience at least. In the old gens, 1500 is considered good. Fewer people play these so Elo is less inflated. The best players don’t ladder too often, though, and instead play in Smogon’s forum tournaments.

What is Pokemon OU?

OU, or ‘Over Used’ is the main usage tier, allowing most combinations of Pokemon, moves, and items, with certain bans made with the goal of making the metagame (the state of the game as created and modified by the players, encompassing team composition, item usage, play-styles, etc.)

Does Pokemon Showdown have Gen 8?

Also, Pokémon Showdown’s Pokédex is available! It has all the latest Gen 8 data, a useful companion for your Sword and Shield playthrough! Pokémon battle simulator.

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What are the tiers in Pokemon Showdown?

Pokémon are assigned to several tiers: Ubers, Standard aka Overused (OU), Borderline (BL), Underused (UU), Never used (NU). Standard, as it implies, is the general and ‘normal’ environment for Competitive Pokémon Battling.

Is Zacian banned?

And Ubers’s suspect test has ended! With the 66.6\% supermajority having been met, Zacian is no longer allowed in the format, and joins its crowned counterpart in AG! Results + Votes:…