
What is a mofussil news?

What is a mofussil news?

A mofussil Reporter is the reporter who is not assigned on the regular basis. He/ She works for the Newspaper occasionally and not regularly. In India this term is especially given to reporters placed in small Districts and Tehsil place. Thus there is special need for editing such news.

What do u mean by hinterland?

Definition of hinterland 1 : a region lying inland from a coast. 2a : a region remote from urban areas. b : a region lying beyond major metropolitan or cultural centers.

What is mofussil address?

Noun. mofussil (countable and uncountable, plural mofussils) (India) Originally, the regions of India outside the three East India Company capitals of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras; hence, parts of a country outside an urban centre; the regions, rural areas.

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What does it mean to Descry?

descry \dih-SKRYE\ verb. 1 : to catch sight of. 2 : find out, discover.

What is a rewrite reporter?

The rewrite man (rewrite person) is a newspaper reporter who works in the office, not on the street, taking information reported by others and crafting it into stories. In cases of a story in several areas, several reporters will give their files to the writer.

What is district correspondent?

Those reporters who cover all important assignments from. the districts for the dailies, radio and television channels are called. District correspondent.They maintain close contact with the au- thorities in the districts to get all types of information and keep.

Why is hinterland called hinterland?

Hinterland is a German word meaning “the land behind” (a city, a port, or similar). Its use in English was first documented by the geographer George Chisholm in his Handbook of Commercial Geography (1888).

What is hinterland Class 7 history?

Hinterland-the remote areas of a country away from the coast or the banks of major rivers.

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What does the term I dissent mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to withhold assent or approval. 2 : to differ in opinion Three of the justices dissented from the majority opinion. dissent.

What was the Urdu word used to mean the regions of India outside the three company capitals of Bombay Calcutta and Madras?

(India) Originally, the regions of India outside the three East India Company capitals of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras; hence, parts of a country outside an urban centre; the regions, rural areas.