
What is a special duty assignment?

What is a special duty assignment?

SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT PAY (SDAP) SDAP is a monthly special pay that is used to induce enlisted members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard* to qualify for and serve in designated assignments or specialties where the duties are extremely difficult or involve an unusual degree of responsibility.

What is SDA pay USMC?

The VSI isn’t the only new perk for Marines serving on SDAs. Starting in fiscal 2021, which began Oct. 1, the Special Duty Assignment Pay is a flat monthly rate of $150 per month. That doubles the SDA pay for MSG detachment commanders from the $75 per month they received last year.

What does SDA stand for USMC?


What is basic SDA pay?

Special Duty Assignment Pay is broken into six pay rates ranging from $55.00 to $375.00 per month. Each military branch assigns those rates to specific duty specialties and assignments.

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How much is military special duty pay?

Section 307 Special Duty Assignment Pay for Enlisted Members The maximum payable in law is $600/month. Under program parameters established by the Secretary of Defense, current range being paid in SDAP is between $75 and $450 per month).

Is SDA pay taxable?

Federal income tax rules require retirement pay including military retirement pay to be considered for taxation. However, if you are drawing disability pay instead of standard military retirement pay, you’ll find that disability pay is commonly given a tax exempt status.

What is special pay in the military?

Special duty pay is for enlisted Soldiers in jobs that demand extra responsibility or extraordinary effort. Examples of these jobs include parachuting instructors, fuel specialists and combat controllers. Monthly amounts range from $75 to $450.