
What is a tree considered in an ecosystem?

What is a tree considered in an ecosystem?

A potted plant and a tree are considered an ecosystem because each of them is composed of living and non-living factors.

When tree is considered as an ecosystem record flora and fauna?

(10) When tree is considered as an ecosystem, record the flora and fauna connected with it? Ans. Trees are considered as an ecosystems. this means that they can be a home of both the flora and fauna.

Why is a tree an example of ecosystem?

An ecosystem consists of all of the living organisms in an area and the interactions between them and the physical environment. Since many of our trees are unique, so are the ecosystems they help to create.

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Can we call a tree an ecosystem?

A tree can be called an independent ecosystem. That’s because the tree can sustain a life on its own, and can also provide support to other forms of organisms. And in this way it can act as an independent ecosystem without help of any other living organism.

How does tree affect the ecosystem?

Forests and trees provide ecosystem services Trees provide soil and water conservation, facilitate carbon sequestration, improve biodiversity and increase the number of pollinators and natural pest predators, like birds. At least 1/3 of world’s crops depends upon pollination provided by insects and other animals.

What do you understand by biodiversity?

The term biodiversity (from “biological diversity”) refers to the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems, and can encompass the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life.

How can you say variations are present in biodiversity?

bio diversity is the mixture of all organisms and if any trouble takes place the eco balance will be affected. variations are present as thehumans , plants , animals , and micro-organisms are differ physically, chemically and biologically.

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Why are trees important to forest ecosystems?

Forest ecosystems are essential to life on earth Living organisms, including humans, depend on the services these forest ecosystems provide. Forests contribute to this cycle by absorbing and storing carbon in the leaves, stems, trunks, branches and roots of growing trees.

Which is a natural ecosystem?

Natural Ecosystem – These are ecosystems which occur naturally and can survive without any intervention from human beings. Examples of natural ecosystems are forests, mountains, rivers etc.

What is the role of trees and animals in an ecosystem?

Trees create habitat for plants and animals. Wherever trees are established, wildlife and other plants are sure to follow, ensuring a healthier ecosystem. Trees provide shelter and food for a variety of birds and small animals.