
What is A2A mean on Quora?

What is A2A mean on Quora?

When you ask someone to answer some question on Quora Directly (Like tagging people in your question), it is called A2A, which is short for ASKED TO ANSWER.

What is meant by Thanks for A2A?

A2A means application to application, meaning that both the sender and receiver are within ur landscape.a simple scenario of File to File,sending file from one Dile server to another within the landscape can be classified as A2A. thanx. ahmad.

What is A2A full form?

2, The full form of A2A is Ask to Answer. It’s used on Computing ,Internet in Worldwide. Ask to Answer (A2A) is a feature in many websites that allows the users to ask another member to answer a specific question.

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What is A2A API?

Application to application (A2A) integration (also known as enterprise application integration) is the integration of applications and business processes within the same company (also known as an enterprise).

What is A2A method?

Account-to-Account (A2A) payments move money directly from one account to another without the need for additional intermediaries or payment instruments, such as cards.

What does A2B mean?


Acronym Definition
A2B Administration to Business
A2B Anti-Two-Block
A2B Access to Birmingham (scholarship program; est. 2000; University of Birmingham; UK)
A2B Access to Business (educational program)

What do Upvotes mean on Quora?

Another feature on Quora that is helpful to users is the upvote and downvote option. If you see a response on Quora that you think perfectly answers the question presented, you can upvote it. If an answer has more downvotes, users see it as invalid and Quora will not prioritize it for others to see.

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What is A2A process?

Application to application (A2A) integration (also known as enterprise application integration) is the integration of applications and business processes within the same company (also known as an enterprise). The access control list model is resource-centered or object-centered.

What is A2A vs B2B?

b2b scenarios involve exchange og msgs across diff organizations. this involves concept of parties (representing the organizations). a2a are application to application scenarios. they involve exchange of messages between diff systems/depts within “one” organization.