
What is another word for nous?

What is another word for nous?

What is another word for nous?

sense wisdom
wit prudence
gumption discretion
intuition sensibleness
astuteness insight

What kind of word is nous?

The mind or intellect, reason. In neoplatonism, the divine reason, regarded as first divine emanation. Common sense; practical intelligence.

What are examples of nous?

Nous is defined as reason, knowledge and good sense. An example of nous is the ability to think rationally. (philosophy) The mind or intellect, reason, both rational and emotional. In neoplatonism, the divine reason, regarded as first divine emanation.

What is common nous?

A common noun is the generic name for a person, place, or thing in a class or group. Unlike proper nouns, a common noun is not capitalized unless it either begins a sentence or appears in a title. All nouns name something, but proper nouns name them specifically. Common nouns do not.

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What does nous mean in Greek?

nous, (Greek: “mind” or “intellect”) in philosophy, the faculty of intellectual apprehension and of intuitive thought. Used in a narrower sense, it is distinguished from discursive thought and applies to the apprehension of eternal intelligible substances and first principles.

What is the opposite of nous?

▲ Opposite of good sense and sound judgment in practical matters. imprudence. indiscretion. carelessness.

What does nous mean in Australia?

Freebase. Nous. Nous, sometimes equated to intellect or intelligence, is a philosophical term for the faculty of the human mind which is described in classical philosophy as necessary for understanding what is true or real, similar in meaning to intuition.

What is the difference between IL and Elle?

In French, il (meaning he, it) and elle (meaning she, it) are used to talk about a thing, as well as about a person or an animal. You use il for masculine nouns and elle for feminine nouns.

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What does improper noun mean?

Improper-noun meaning Filters. Noun that describes something general (rather than that which is purely unique)

What does high Thumos mean?

Thumos (also commonly spelled ‘thymos’; Greek: θυμός) is a Greek word expressing the concept of “spiritedness” (as in “spirited stallion” or “spirited debate”).