
What is AWS SWF used for?

What is AWS SWF used for?

Amazon SWF helps developers build, run, and scale background jobs that have parallel or sequential steps. You can think of Amazon SWF as a fully-managed state tracker and task coordinator in the Cloud.

What is simple workflow?

Amazon SWF (Simple Workflow Service) is an Amazon Web Services tool that helps developers coordinate, track and audit multi-step, multi-machine application jobs. Amazon SWF provides a control engine that a developer uses to coordinate work across components of distributed applications.

Which of the following are actors in an Amazon SWF workflow?

Actors can be workflow starters, deciders, or activity workers. These actors communicate with Amazon SWF through its API. You can develop these actors in any programming language. The following diagram shows the Amazon SWF architecture, including Amazon SWF and its actors.

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How do you define the activity task in the context of Amazon Simple workflow?

Amazon SWF has the concept of an activity task that represents one invocation of an activity. In our example, the processing of each item would be represented by a single activity task. An activity worker is a program that receives activity tasks, performs them, and provides results back.

What is a workflow service?

Workflow services are WCF-based services that are implemented using workflows. For more information about messaging activities and how they can be used to implement different message exchange patterns, see Messaging Activities.

What is Amazon Simple workflow service?

The Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) makes it easy to build applications that use Amazon’s cloud to coordinate work across distributed components. Coordinating tasks in a workflow involves managing intertask dependencies, scheduling, and concurrency in accordance with the logical flow of the application.

What is workflow service?

What does domain refer to in Amazon SWF?

Domains in SWF are a mechanism to scope SWF resources such as workflows, activity types, and workflow execution. All the resources are scoped to a domain. Domains isolate one set of types, executions, and task lists from other ones within an AWS account.

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What is workflow used for?

A business workflow is a repeatable process that consists of a series of tasks that generally need to be completed in a specific sequence. Think of it as work flowing from one stage to the next until it is finished. Workflows are useful for ensuring that important processes are done the right way every time.

When would you use a workflow?

No matter how many steps or rules or logic are between those two points the result is the same. So, if you have processes that are variable from start to end, use a workflow. If the same process can be used by everyone, then you don’t need a workflow.