
What is backdoor reference?

What is backdoor reference?

Backdoor reference checks are colloquially known as informal checks, quiet checks or deep reference checks. I like to call them cheeky checks. Anyone who has ever hired someone is guilty of it.

Are backdoor references illegal?

While technically not illegal, the very same freedom that allows an unofficial reference to be totally honest about your candidate may backfire on you. In general, the best practice is to use the list of references provided by the candidate.

How do you ask for a backdoor reference?

Backdoor Reference Goals

  1. Make a good impression. Your candidate might backchannel you through the same person.
  2. Corroborate stories. If the candidate told you a story about their past that you wanted another perspective about, this is a great opportunity to ask about it.
  3. Check your gut.
  4. Ask for advice.
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What am I legally allowed to ask in a reference check?

Here are some of the questions that may be asked during a reference check:

  • When did (name) work for your company? Could you confirm starting and ending employment dates?
  • What was her/his position?
  • Could I briefly review (name’s) resume?
  • Why did (name) leave the company?
  • What was her/his starting and ending salary?

What is a backdoor employee?

Employees with backdoor power carry influence in a company, but their power does not come from an official job role. Instead, it comes from their relationships, style or the ability to whisper into the ear of a senior executive.

Is it illegal to do a reference check without permission?

Candidates should have given permission, generally, for reference checking to be conducted. Reference checkers should not reach out to anyone the candidate has expressly asked not be contacted. Reference checkers should not contact references from a candidate’s current employer without express permission.

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Is it OK to call up references that aren’t listed?

It used to be employers routinely would check references without consent from the applicant. For example, if a reference check came back negative, the employer would not have to explain their decision to the applicant. However, this practice is no longer allowed.

What should you not ask in a reference check?

Here are some of the questions you should avoid when checking references in the US:

  • “Does The Applicant Have Any Children?” It is illegal for hiring managers to ask about relationship status before hiring.
  • “What Is The Applicant’s Religious Affiliation?”
  • “How Old Is The Applicant?”
  • What Should You Ask?

Can I give a reference without permission?

No, you can tell anyone to talk to anyone you want. It’s the United States and you can say whatever you want unless you lie about someone and it causes that person damages – that’s called libel. Even though you don’t have to ask permission, you absolutely should.

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Is a job reference confidential?

Employment references should be marked as ‘Strictly confidential – employment reference’ to ensure that the exemption can be applied by sender and recipient. Care must always be taken when providing references about employees to prospective employers or recruitment agencies.

Can an employer call previous employers without permission?

Can your current employer contact your previous employer without your consent? Yes. It’s a free country. Yes, just like an employee can contact former employees of their current employer, no consent is required for a current employer to contact a former employer of its employee.