
What is Christmas about explained to kids?

What is Christmas about explained to kids?

Christmas celebrates the day that Jesus Christ was born to Joseph and Mary in the city of Bethlehem. The New Testament teaches that Jesus is the Son of God and came to Earth as a man to die for our sins. An innocent man, he was crucified around 33 years later.

How do we celebrate Christmas now?

It is often combined with customs from pre-Christian winter celebrations. Many people decorate their homes, visit family or friends and exchange gifts. In the days or even weeks before Christmas Day, many people decorate their homes and gardens with lights, Christmas trees and much more.

Why is Christmas important?

Christmas is important to many Christians because it reminds them that: Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth for all people, symbolised through the visits of the wise men and the shepherds. Mary and Joseph both had a strong faith in God, despite the difficulties they faced.

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What is the true meaning about Christmas?

It is a time of God showing His great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. Sure, enjoy the season but remember to rejoice as well! After all, the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of God’s ultimate gift: the birth of Jesus, the Christ child.

Why is Christmas important to us?

Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The name ‘Christmas’ comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). So we get the name Christ-Mass, shortened to Christmas. Christmas is now celebrated by people around the world, whether they are Christians or not.

Whats the best thing about Christmas?

Family is what it’s all about Christmas is the time to get together and remind ourselves how lucky we are to have friends and family who love us. We may not see our friends and family very often, but at Christmas, they will always be there, enjoying a delicious meal and exchanging presents.

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What is the value of Christmas?

The real celebration of Christmas is that no matter how things are going, God is with you. For all those people who, for different reasons, may feel in need of strength, encouragement… Christmas can be a source of comfort. Because the main value of Christmas is its own origin: that God is with us.

Why is Christmas so great?

Santa is a character that brings wonder and joy to children around the world while teaching them to be good for their parents. Christmas is also a deeply religious time for some. As a Christian, Christmas signifies the birth of Jesus Christ, my lord and savior, and serves as a wonderful time to celebrate that.

What is Christmas in simple words?

It is a holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who, according to the Christian religion, is the son of God. The name is a joining of “Christ” and “mass” which means the holy mass (supper, celebration or festival) of Christ.