
What is code coverage in verification?

What is code coverage in verification?

Coverage is used to measure tested and untested portions of the design. Coverage is defined as the percentage of verification objectives that have been met.

What is the importance of coverage in Systemverilog verification?

‘ It says nothing of the correctness of that code nor can it address unimplemented functionality. It does provide a measure of the completeness of testing. Any unexercised code either has not been stimulated during verification or is redundant.

What is code coverage in VLSI verification?

Code coverage is a measure of quality of RTL code execution while simulating the test-cases. Functional coverage measure how well the design functionality have been covered by the tests during simulation. That means it is an indicator of design’s functional state.

Which coverage report is considered most important in SoC verification?

Verification IP (VIP) is an important part of SoC verification projects. For industry-standard interfaces, VIP provides the ability to verify a design against the requirements of a standard protocol. VIP should include functional coverage metrics to ensure that all corner cases of the protocol have been verified.

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What is block coverage?

Block coverage, sometimes known as line coverage, describes whether a block of code, defined as not having any branch point within (i.e. the path of execution enters from the beginning and exits at the end) is executed or not.

What is code coverage in Verilog?

Code coverage is the coverage data generated from the RTL code by simulator. For example, statement coverage indicates how each RTL statement has been executed. If the RTL had 100 lines of source code, but only 90 lines had been executed by the testbench during simulation, then code coverage would be only 90\%.

What is the difference between code coverage and test coverage?

Code coverage is measured by the percentage of code that is covered during testing, whereas test coverage is measured by the features that are covered via tests.