
What is considered a good salary in Russia?

What is considered a good salary in Russia?

On average, Russians named 66,000 rubles ($1,000) as a decent monthly salary, according to the government’s Financial University survey cited by the outlet. The figures ranged from 50,000 rubles in Siberia to 100,000 rubles in Moscow.

Is it expensive to live in Saint Petersburg Russia?

Summary about cost of living in Saint Petersburg, Russia: Family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,943$ (143,493руб) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 551$ (40,718руб) without rent. Saint Petersburg is 61.30\% less expensive than New York (without rent).

What is the average salary in Russia?

Russia has a median salary of 110,000 RUB per month (USD 1,472.90). This means that half of the population earns less than 110,000 RUB while the other half earns more than 110,000 RUB….C. Location.

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City Average Monthly Salary (in Russian Rubles)
Omsk 112,000 RUB
Samara 107,000 RUB
Volgograd 93,900 RUB
Saratov 90,300 RUB

What is the average rent in St Petersburg Russia?


Type of apartment Price per month
One-room apartment 17 000 – 45 000 RUB
Two-room apartment 35 000 – 55 000 RUB
Three-room apartment 50 000 – 100 000 RUB

How much money do you need in St. Petersburg?

How much money will you need for your trip to Saint Petersburg? You should plan to spend around ₽4,723 ($65) per day on your vacation in Saint Petersburg, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

What is the average salary in Moscow?

Average monthly net salary in Russia in 1st half 2021, by major city (in 1,000 Russian rubles)

Characteristic Net salary in thousand Russian rubles
Moscow 113.6
Salekhard 106.4
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 99
Magadan 95.2

What is the average monthly salary in Saint Petersburg?

A person working in Saint Petersburg typically earns around 122,000 RUB per month. Salaries range from 30,800 RUB (lowest average) to 543,000 RUB (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Salaries vary drastically between different careers.

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What is the average annual salary in Russia?

The average annual salary in Russia is 1,240,000 Rubles (RUB) or USD16,616 (according to the exchange rate in July 2021). In this article, we’ll explore the average salary in Russia and compare it with that of the US.

How much do McDonalds workers in Saint-Petersburg get paid?

A worker in Saint-Petersburg McDonalds receives 175 roubles per hour. Thats a little less than 3$. An hourly wage in the US McDonalds is 9,73$ average (September 2019 data). So the level of salaries in Russia, specifically in Saint-Petersburg, is from 3 to 4 times lower than in the US.