
What is default order in MySQL select?

What is default order in MySQL select?

By default, MySQL sorts all GROUP BY col1, col2, queries as if you specified ORDER BY col1, col2, in the query as well. However: Relying on implicit GROUP BY sorting in MySQL 5.5 is deprecated. To achieve a specific sort order of grouped results, it is preferable to use an explicit ORDER BY clause.

Are SQL results ordered?

The SQL ORDER BY clause is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on one or more columns. Some databases sort the query results in an ascending order by default.

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What is the default order in SQL query?

The SQL ORDER BY Keyword The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in descending order, use the DESC keyword.

What is the default order in SQL?

By default, SQL Server sorts out results using ORDER BY clause in ascending order.

What is the default order?

A Default Order is an Order made by the Small Claims Court without having to go through a full trial. A Default Order can be granted when a person who is being sued fails to file a Reply. For example, if the lawsuit is for the return of property, a Judge can make a Default Order requiring the return of the property.

What is the default order SQL?

The default order is ascending. The SQL ORDER BY clause is used with the SQL SELECT statement. Note: SQL ORDER BY clause always come at the end of a SELECT statement.

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What does ORDER BY 1 do in SQL?

SQL Server allows you to sort the result set based on the ordinal positions of columns that appear in the select list. In this example, 1 means the first_name column and 2 means the last_name column.

What is ORDER BY 4 in SQL?

You also may notice that the number 4 is specified in the order by clause. The number 4 specifies the position of the columns in the SQL query. In this case, position of BusinessEntityID is 1, FirstName is 2, MiddleName is 3 and LastName is 4.

What is ORDER BY 3 in SQL?

Order by 3 DESC. In this query, column birthdate is at the 3rd position; therefore, we can use three in the Order by clause to sort results on this column data. Note: I would not recommend using column position in Order By clause. You should always use a column name in Order by clause.

What is the default order followed in SQL?

What is ORDER BY 1 in Oracle SQL?

This: ORDER BY 1. …is known as an “Ordinal” – the number stands for the column based on the number of columns defined in the SELECT clause. In the query you provided, it means: ORDER BY A.PAYMENT_DATE.

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Is ORDER BY ascending by default?

ASC is the default value for the ORDER BY clause. So, if we don’t specify anything after the column name in the ORDER BY clause, the output will be sorted in ascending order by default.