
What is Deshuttering time for slab?

What is Deshuttering time for slab?

De – Shuttering Period as per IS 456 – 2000

Form Summers
Walls, columns and vertical faces of structural members 24 hrs.
Removal of props under slab Spanning up to 4.5 m 7 days
Removal of props under beams and arches spanning up to 6 m 14 days
Soffit form work to slabs 3 days

Can PPC cement be used for slab?

Both OPC and PPC cements are good for construction of concrete slab. PPC is used where possibilities of sulphate attack is higher as it has good sulphate resistance compared to OPC. Also pozzolana Portland cement is cheaper than ordinary Portland cement.

What type of cement has got early Deshuttering period?

Formwork Removal Time with Rapid Hardening Cement. In rapid hardening cement, the slab shuttering completely can be removed after 5 days. In this cement the walls, columns, and beams formwork removed after 2 days. In this rapid hardening cement the slab sides required 3 days.

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What is stripping time of formwork?

Table – 2: Formwork Stripping Time (When Ordinary Portland Cement is used):

Type of Formwork Formwork Removal Time
Sides of Walls, Columns and Vertical faces of beam 24 hours to 48 hours (as per engineer’s decision)
Slabs (props left under) 3 days
Beam soffits (props left under) 7 days
Removal of Props of Slabs:

What is the minimum propping period?

If span of beam is upto 6m it is propped for 14 days and above 6m is 21days. If span of slab is upto 4.5m it is propped for 7 days and above 4.5m is 14 days. (Props left under) slabs for 3 days. This is all for normal circumstances and for ordinary cement.

What is the meaning of Deshuttering?

Technically, deshuttering period is the time after which structure or part of the structure is able to take at least twice the stresses of such magnitude which might be applied to the structure at the time of removal.

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How many days is the proper removal for slabs?

Removal of Forms

Type of Form Removal Time Period
Walls, columns and vertical sides of beams 24 to 48 hours as may be decided by the engineer-in-charge.
Slabs (props left under) 3 days
Beam soffits (props left under) 7 days
Removal of props to slabs (Spanning upto 4.5 m) 7 days

What is the minimum period before striking the props to slabs for slabs of 5 m span?

Roughly proping period is 4 to 7 days. If span of beam is upto 6m it is propped for 14 days and above 6m is 21days. If span of slab is upto 4.5m it is propped for 7 days and above 4.5m is 14 days. (Props left under) slabs for 3 days.