
What is difference EPON and GPON?

What is difference EPON and GPON?

GPON and EPON Differences GPON provides three Layer 2 networks: ATM for voice, Ethernet for data, and proprietary encapsulation for voice. EPON, on the other hand, employs a single Layer 2 network that uses IP to carry data, voice, and video. A multiprotocol transport solution supports the GPON structure (Figure 1) .

What is EPON and ONU?

EPON ONU, optical network unit is a device that transforms incoming fiber optic passive component optical signals into electronics/terminals at a customer’s premises in order to provide telecommunications services over an optical fiber network. …

What is FTTP GPON?

Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) or Fibre To The Home (FTTH) are two terms used to describe a full end-to-end fibre delivery. Fast are only FTTC – Fibre To The Cabinet. GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network), designated as ITU-T standard G.

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What is fiber EPON?

EPON stands for Ethernet passive optical network. EPON uses Ethernet packets instead of ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) cells. EPON also uses Internet Protocol (IP) to carry data, voice, and video data. It generally delivers 1G symmetrical bandwidth, which makes it a popular choice.

How do I know if I have GPON or EPON?

In fact, both GPON and EPON deliver Ethernet to the end user. The difference is GPON is a purpose-built point to multi-point transport protocol while EPON conscripts Ethernet to attempt the same inefficiently….GPON vs. EPON.

Reach 128 ONUs 32 ONUs per OLT, or 64 FEC
Per-subscriber costs Higher Lower

What wavelengths are used for GPON and EPON?

BPON, EPON, GEPON, and GPON have the same basic wavelength plan and use the 1490 nanometer (nm) wavelength for downstream traffic and 1310 nm wavelength for upstream traffic. 1550 nm is reserved for optional overlay services, typically RF (analog) video.