
What is enum with example?

What is enum with example?

An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constants. The variable must be equal to one of the values that have been predefined for it. Common examples include compass directions (values of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST) and the days of the week.

What is an enum C++?

Enumeration is a user defined datatype in C/C++ language. It is used to assign names to the integral constants which makes a program easy to read and maintain. The keyword “enum” is used to declare an enumeration. The following is the syntax of enums. const1, const2 − These are values of type flag.

Is enum object oriented?

Enumerations1 are often associated with procedural code rather than object-oriented code. They tend to give rise to similar switch statements scattered through the code, and in general, these are replaced by polymorphism in object-oriented code.

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What is enum in class diagram?

What is Enumeration in UML Class Diagram? An enumeration is a complete list of all values that a given type may acquire. Enums may be used in a flag mode to support bitwise combinations of particular values.

Why do we use enum?

Enums are used when we know all possible values at compile time, such as choices on a menu, rounding modes, command line flags, etc. It is not necessary that the set of constants in an enum type stay fixed for all time. In Java (from 1.5), enums are represented using enum data type.

What is the purpose of an enum?

An enumeration, or Enum , is a symbolic name for a set of values. Enumerations are treated as data types, and you can use them to create sets of constants for use with variables and properties.

Is an enum an int?

I recently explained that although both C and C++ provide void * as the generic data pointer type, each language treats the type a little differently. For any object type T , both C and C++ let you implicitly convert an object of type T * to void * .

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How do you use enums?

Enums are lists of constants. When you need a predefined list of values which do represent some kind of numeric or textual data, you should use an enum. You should always use enums when a variable (especially a method parameter) can only take one out of a small set of possible values.

What is enum in C# with example?

In C#, an enum (or enumeration type) is used to assign constant names to a group of numeric integer values. It makes constant values more readable, for example, WeekDays. Monday is more readable then number 0 when referring to the day in a week.