
What is long shunt and short shunt?

What is long shunt and short shunt?

One is a long shunt compound generator, and another is a short shunt compound generator. If the shunt field is connected in parallel with the armature alone then the machine is called the short compound generator. In long shunt compound generator, the shunt field is connected in series with the armature.

What is long shunt compound DC motor?

In case of long shunt compound wound DC motor, the shunt field winding is connected in parallel across the series combination of both the armature and series field coil, as shown in the diagram below.

What is the difference between the short shunt and long shunt DC motor?

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Short-shunt and long-shunt are terms used to describe how the series and shunt fields in a compound DC motor are wired relative to each other. In he short-shunt motor, the shunt field is wired directly across the armature. In the long-shunt motor, he shunt field is wired directly across the power supply.

What is long shunt DC generator?

Long Shunt Compound Wound DC Generator are generators where the shunt field winding is in parallel with both series field and armature winding, as shown in the figure below.

What is short shunt DC generator?

Short Shunt compound dc generator is in which only shunt field winding is in parallel with the armature winding. Long Shunt compound dc generator is in which shunt field winding is in parallel with both series field and armature winding.

What are compound windings?

Definition of compound winding : a combination of series winding and shunt winding on the field magnet of a direct-current machine.

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How short shunt and long shunt compound winding is selected?

9. How short shunt and long shunt compound winding is selected? Explanation: In long shunt compound, the shunt field is connected across terminals. In short shunt compound, the shunt field is connected directly across the armature.

What is difference between shunt and series motor?

A series motor respond by decreasing its speed with small increase in current for a given load torque. A shunt motor holds its speed nearly constant with large increase in input current for same amount of load torque.

What is the difference between short shunt and long shunt compound generator?

Short shunt,where the shunt is parallel with only armature. Long shunt,where the shunt is in parallel with both armature and series field . Since the shunt winding is done in such a way as to assist both armature and series field producing cumulative effect. this machine is known as cumulative compound motor.

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What is short shunt compound wound generator?