
What is m_sequencer handle?

What is m_sequencer handle?

m_sequencer is a handle of type uvm_sequencer_base which is available by default in every sequence. The real sequencer that connects to a driver is derived from the uvm_sequencer_base class. It is also parameterized to the sequence item type that is used to communicate to driver.

Why do we need p_sequencer?

p_sequencer is used to access the environment component detail inside the sequence as sequence won’t have access to component detail/configuration etc. so p_sequencer has nothing to related with running 2 sequence of different agent.

What are the types of sequencers in UVM?

There are two sequencer variants available. uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) – Requests for new sequence items are initiated by the driver. Upon such requests, the sequencer selects a sequence from a list of available sequences to produce and deliver the next item to execute.

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What is Uvm_do_with?

you can use `uvm_do_with to specify the item you want to send, and make some constraints to this item. with `uvm_do_on_with, you can additionally specify the sequencer of item. It orchestrates sequences from different sequencers which will generate sequence items.

What is the use of p_sequencer in UVM?

The p_sequencer is a type specific sequencer pointer, created by registering the sequence to a sequencer using the `uvm_declare_p_sequencer macros. Being type specific, you will be able to access anything added to the sequencer (i.e. pointers to other sequencers, etc.).

What is default sequence in UVM?

In UVM, default sequences can be used to start a sequence. I can see many replies in this forum regarding default sequences say “It is not recommended to use default sequences in test”.

What is the difference between sequence Sequence_item and sequencer?

A sequence_item is a transaction that is sent from a sequence to driver. The sequencER handles arbitration between the sequence/driver pair, especially then a sequence or multiple sequences are sending concurrent sequence_items to the driver.

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What is Uvm_do in UVM?

UVM Sequence macros These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items on default sequencer, m_sequencer. Macro. Description. `uvm_do(Item/Seq) This macro takes seq_item or sequence as argument.