
What is meant by Actinomorphic flowers?

What is meant by Actinomorphic flowers?

A actinomorphic flower is a type of flower that possesses radial symmetry. An actinomorphic flower can be divided into three or more identical parts, each of which are identical to each other when based on the rotating point of the center of the flower.

What are Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic flowers give examples?

Actinomorphic flowers give two similar halves when bisected along any diameter. In contrast, zygomorphic flowers produce two mirror images when bisected in only one plane. Roses, lilies, and buttercups are examples of actinomorphic flowers while orchids are an example of zygomorphic flowers.

What are Zygomorphic flowers?

Zygomorphic flower – A flower capable of being divided into only two equal parts (mirror images) by a line passing through the middle of a flower, i.e., other lines passing the middle of the flower will not give mirror images of one another; same as monosymmetric, bilaterally symmetrical, and irregular flowers and …

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What is the meaning of Zygomorphic flower?

Zygomorphic flowers have bilateral symmetry, meaning the petals can only be divided one way to form mirror images of each other. Zygomorphic symmetry can also be referred to as irregular symmetry, and is most common in flowers that have at least two differently sized petals. Classic examples include orchids.

What is an example of Zygomorphic flower?

The examples of the zygomorphic flowers are orchids, the plants belong to the family Lamiales, the flowers belong to the family of fabaceae or the leguminosae. The plants like green pea, soybean, lentil, beans, chickpea, pigeon pea, mung bean, peanut etc. belong to the family fabaceae having zygomorphic symmetry.

What is Zygomorphic Flower example?

Which plants produce Zygomorphic flowers?

Zygomorphic flowers have the symmetry in which the flowers can be divided into halves only through the division in one plane.

  • The flowers of the plant Gulmohar are zygomorphic in nature.
  • Canna, mustard, and hibiscus plants have flowers which are actinomorphic.
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    Which family has Zygomorphic flowers?

    Fabaceae family
    (A) Zygomorphic flowers are found in Fabaceae family.