
What is meant by assembly of an aircraft?

What is meant by assembly of an aircraft?

The assembly of an aircraft refers to the joining of parts or subassemblies by various means until the entire aircraft is in condition for operation. Rigging is the alignment of aircraft parts or sections to obtain proper flight characteristics.

What industry is airplane in?

Aerospace is a high technology industry. The aircraft industry is the industry supporting aviation by building aircraft and manufacturing aircraft parts for their maintenance. This includes aircraft and parts used for civil aviation and military aviation.

What does final assembly mean?

A final assembly is the last stage in the manufacturing process, the point where the components of a product are put together and it is prepared for delivery. A final assembly refers to the last stage in the manufacturing process, when a product is complete and ready for delivery.

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What is rigging in aircraft?

Aircraft rigging involves the adjustment and travel of movable flight controls which are attached to aircraft major surfaces, such as wings and vertical and horizontal stabilizers. Rigging also includes the safetying of the attaching hardware using various types of cotter pins, locknuts, or safety wire.

What is the industry of aircraft and spacecraft?

The aerospace industry is engaged in the research, development, and manufacture of flight vehicles, including unpowered gliders and sailplanes (see gliding), uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), lighter-than-air craft (see balloon; airship), heavier-than-air craft (both fixed-wing and rotary-wing; see airplane; military …

What is the difference between aviation and aerospace?

The aviation industry deals with all-things aircraft-related within the earth’s atmosphere. While the aerospace industry also designs and manufactures various forms of aircraft, the industry, as a whole, extends beyond operations within the earth’s atmosphere and conducts aircraft operations in space.

Where did the assembly line start?

Highland Park Ford Plant
The moving assembly line was developed for the Ford Model T and began operation on October 7, 1913, at the Highland Park Ford Plant, and continued to evolve after that, using time and motion study.