
What is meant by moonlighting protein?

What is meant by moonlighting protein?

Protein moonlighting (or gene sharing) is a phenomenon by which a protein can perform more than one function. Many proteins that moonlight are enzymes; others are receptors, ion channels or chaperones.

What is the moonlighting function of Aconitase?

Aconitase (EC 4.2. 1.3) is an iron-sulphur protein that catalyses the interconversion of citrate and isocitrate, via a cis-aconitate intermediate, functioning in both the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) and glyoxylate cycles.

Can bioinformatics help in the identification of moonlighting proteins?

Protein multitasking or moonlighting is the capability of certain proteins to execute two or more unique biological functions. It would be helpful if bioinformatics could predict protein multifunctionality, especially because of the large amounts of sequences coming from genome projects.

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Can enzymes have multiple functions?

Multi-functional enzymes are enzymes that perform multiple physiological functions. Characterization and identification of multi-functional enzymes are critical for communication and cooperation between different functions and pathways within a complex cellular system or between cells.

Where is Gapdh?

In addition to the cytoplasm where majority of GAPDH is located under the basal condition, GAPDH is also found in the particulate fractions, such as the nucleus, the mitochondria, and the small vesicular fractions. When cells are exposed to various stressors, dynamic subcellular re-distribution of GAPDH occurs.

What is Half Moon lighting?

Published Jun 13, 2020. + Follow. Traditionally, the term Moonlighting refers to having a second job in addition to one’s regular employment which does not necessarily relate to their main job. For example, a person might be a teacher at a school during the day but run a boutique in the evening.

How does Aconitase act as an iron sensor?

Aconitase (top) and the same protein acting as an iron regulatory protein bound to part of a messenger RNA. Aconitase is an essential enzyme in the citric acid cycle and iron regulatory protein 1 interacts with messenger RNA to control the levels of iron inside cells.

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What is the function of Aconitase and how is it inhibited?

1. Aconitase. In addition to its participation in the citric acid cycle, the mammalian [4Fe-4S] aconitase is also a regulator of iron homeostasis. RNS inhibit aconitase activity by disrupting the [Fe–S] clusters.

When you boil egg white albumin is protein?

Egg whites start out clear. They are almost 90\% water, but the other 10\% is packed with proteins. Egg whites contain more than 50\% of the proteins found in the egg. The main protein in egg white is called albumin.

Is GAPDH a transferase?


Molecular function Oxidoreductase, Transferase
Biological process Apoptosis, Glycolysis, Immunity, Innate immunity, Translation regulation
Ligand NAD

What does GAPDH do in humans?

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (abbreviated GAPDH) (EC 1.2. 1.12) is an enzyme of about 37kDa that catalyzes the sixth step of glycolysis and thus serves to break down glucose for energy and carbon molecules.

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