
What is Medhavi scholarship?

What is Medhavi scholarship?

Under the Medhavi National Scholarship Scheme of Human Resource Development Mission (HRDM), scholarships are out for 10th to postgraduate pass students. Under this exam, scholarships will be awarded solely on a MERIT basis, to candidates who qualify prescribed exam.

Who is eligible for Medhavi scholarship?

Be a resident of Madhya Pradesh. Have passed Class 12 with 70\% or more marks (if appeared through Secondary Education Board of Madhya Pradesh) or have obtained 85\% or more marks (if appeared through CBSE/ICSE Board). Have an annual parent/guardian income of less than INR 6 lakh from all sources.

What is the process of national scholarship?

Fresh: Step 1: Go to the home page of website and click on Student Login-> Register-> select ‘Domicile State’-> Select ‘Fresh’ to access the application form. (v) CONTACT DETAILS. Students have to submit the application accordingly.

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How many questions are asked in Medhavi scholarship?

Featured Scholarships Yes, the examination contains multiple-choice questions related to Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Studies and English. The total number of questions asked is 40 where each question contains 1 mark each.

What is the meaning of Medhavi?

/medhāvī/ intelligent adjective. An intelligent person has the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well.

How can I apply for Medhavi?

  1. Procedure of “Mukhyamantri Medhavi Vidyarthi Yojna”
  3. Through Web Address: or
  5. Using user id and password received after registration, candidates will fill their application form and upload the necessary documents.

Who are eligible for scholarship?

National Scholarship Portal

Ministry/Department Parental Income Quota
Disabilities 2.5 lakh 16650
Higher Education 6.0 lakh (4.5 lakh non-creamy) 82000 (50\% girls, SC 15\%, ST 7.5\%, OBC 27\%, Disability 3\%)
Minority Affairs 2.0 lakh 30\% girls
Labor 1.0 to 1.2 lakh NA

What are the documents required to apply NSP scholarship?

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Welcome to National Scholarship Portal (NSP)

  • Educational documents of student.
  • Student’s Bank account number and IFSC code of the bank branch.
  • Aadhaar number of the Student.
  • If Aadhaar is not available, then Bonafide student certificate from Institute / School and.
  • Aadhaar Enrolment ID and Scanned copy of Bank passbook.

How do I prepare for saksham scholarship?

Saksham Scholarship Scheme – Documents Required

  1. Mark sheet of class 10/SSC examination.
  2. Mark sheet of class 12/HSC examination.
  3. Annual income certificate of the family in the prescribed format issued by the Tehsildar or above competent authority.

What is samadhan scholarship?

National Scholarship Scheme (SAMADHAN)- III HRDM, 2021 is an initiative for 10th,12th, graduation, postgraduation, any degree or diploma, who are in the age group of 16–40 years. The selected applicants will receive variable awards.