
What is minimal draping in massage?

What is minimal draping in massage?

Draping includes methods used by a massage therapist to protect modesty, privacy, warmth and/or comfort of a patient/client by the use of sheets, towels, blankets or any item that serves this purpose.

Do you have to wear a towel during massage?

You’ll find that most massage therapists are very skilled at protecting your modesty and making you feel comfortable; you’ll never have to uncover anything you’d rather not. Your therapist will explain how much you need to take off, give you a towel to cover yourself and then leave the room while you get ready.

When draping in a massage you always cover the?

Using draping, the massage therapist only works on the part of the body that is exposed — your back, one arm or one leg, for instance, while the rest of the body is covered. Your private parts are always concealed.

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What are the proper draping techniques?

Grasp draping at either edge (by the shoulders). Fold draping to lie in line with the underarm. Ask clients to slowly bring one arm out (then the other) from underneath the draping to lie on top. If the client is cold, cover the arms by folding the overhanging side of the draping back over the arm.

Should you shave before massage?

Should I shave my legs before my massage or body treatment? Shaving is recommended but please be sure to do so no less than four hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Certain products may irritate newly-shaven skin.

What is draping technique?

Draping is a technique used to make a 3-dimensional dress pattern with the aid of a dress form figure by pinning and placing fabric against the form to create a garment. Typically designers use muslin, which is cost-efficient and offered in a variety of weights.

What are the areas of endangerment in massage?

Endangerment Sites for Massage Therapy

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Axillary Area brachial artery, axillary vein & artery, cephalic vein; nerves of brachial plexus
Medial Epicondyle of Humerus ulnar nerve
Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus radial nerve
Sternal Notch & Anterior Throat nerves & vessels to thyroid gland; vagus nerve

Why is draping important before performing massage?

Good draping not only makes a client feel more comfortable, but it also helps keep the body area you have just worked on warm. This helps to maximise the effects of the massage. Re-cover areas that you have just worked on to keep the client warm and comfortable.