
What is mitigate and example?

What is mitigate and example?

Mitigate Sentence Examples Good information on a product can mitigate this problem. Morphine may be given hypodermically to mitigate the pain. They protect the valleys from destructive avalanches, and, retaining the superficial soil by their roots, they mitigate the destructive effects of heavy rains.

What is the same meaning of alleviate?

Frequently Asked Questions About alleviate Some common synonyms of alleviate are allay, assuage, lighten, mitigate, and relieve. While all these words mean “to make something less grievous,” alleviate implies temporary or partial lessening of pain or distress.

What is the best meaning of mitigate?

mitigate \MIT-uh-gayt\ verb. 1 : to cause to become less harsh or hostile : mollify. 2 a : to make less severe or painful : alleviate. b : to lessen the seriousness of : extenuate.

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What is the opposite alleviate?

Verb. ▲ Opposite of to make (pain or difficulty) less severe. exacerbate. aggravate.

What does it mean to mitigate in a situation?

Choose the verb mitigate when something lessens the unpleasantness of a situation. The somewhat formal verb mitigate comes from the Latin roots mītis, “soft,” and agere, “to do/act,” which add up to “to soften.” It is often used with words that indicate an outcome or something harmful.

What is the sentence of alleviate?

1, The organization works to alleviate world hunger and disease. 2, A cold compress can alleviate your pain. 3, Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction. 4, Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.

How do you use the word alleviate?

Alleviate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Take an aspirin to alleviate your headache.
  2. To alleviate hunger in our town, each employee of our company donated five cans of food.
  3. If you want to alleviate the situation, start by apologizing for your mistake.
  4. Scared of heights all her life, nothing would alleviate Ruth’s fear of flying.
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Does mitigate mean prevent?

The confusion arises when the subject of mitigate is an impersonal factor or influence, and the verb is followed by the preposition against, so the meaning of the phrase is something like “to be a powerful factor against” or “to hinder or prevent,” as in His relative youth might mitigate against him in a national …

What are some examples of mitigation?

Examples of mitigation actions are planning and zoning, floodplain protection, property acquisition and relocation, or public outreach projects. Examples of preparedness actions are installing disaster warning systems, purchasing radio communications equipment, or conducting emergency response training.

How do you mitigate a situation?

Choose the verb mitigate when something lessens the unpleasantness of a situation. You can mitigate your parents’ anger by telling them you were late to dinner because you were helping your elderly neighbor.