
What is my registration number in 2nd PUC?

What is my registration number in 2nd PUC?

How to Know my Karnataka 2nd PUC Registration Number 2021?

  1. log on at official website of PUE Karnataka.
  2. Now on home page of this website click on the link “Know My Registration Number”.
  3. A new page will open in same tab.
  4. Select “College” and “District”.

How many 2nd PUC students are there in Karnataka?

About Karnataka 2nd PUC Board Approximately 7 lakh students appear in Karnataka 2nd PUC exams every year.

Can we write 2nd PUC exam?

Yes it is. There is even a criteria for year back too. But do not focus on the negative side. I suggest you to please write as much as you can in your exam.

How do I find my registration number?

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How to Find the Registration Number on a Car Registration

  1. Locate your car certificate of registration.
  2. Spot where your car registration document says “Plate Number” or “Registration Number.” This information is located in the top left-hand corner of your vehicle registration.

How can I find my class 12 registration number?

Answer. In 12th class certificate you didn’t able to find the registration number because there you find the serial number and your roll number only. To find out the registration number you have to go through the registration card which you got in 11th class if you didn’t have the card then you can ask from your school …

What is the passing marks for 2nd PUC?

The passing criteria for PUC Exam is 35 percent aggregate marks that means candidates have to score 210 marks out of 600 marks.

Can I study PUC again?

Hello,You can reappear for PUC exams. The best option for you is to appear for regular examination of 2nd PUC. There is no advantage of reappearing for supplementary exam. You can appear for regular exam with same registration number.

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What to do after failing 2nd PUC?

  1. completing PU and joining graduation course of your interest.
  2. Joining any CAD courses.
  3. Learning interior design or graphic design.
  4. learning Animation, sketching etc.
  5. Fashion designing.
  6. can take up sports as career.
  7. learn and teach YOGA and Meditation.
  8. GYM Trainer and Nutritionist courses.