
What is payin shortage alert?

What is payin shortage alert?

If you have bought any shares your obligation is to GIVE the money through your stock broker or if you have sold shares , you have to GIVE sold shares through your stock broker . If someone fails to meet the obligation to GIVE funds or shares this is known as pay in shortage .

What is pay in shortage in NSE?

On the settlement day NSE Clearing accepts pay-in of securities made by members through depositories and identifies the shortages. The members are debited by an amount equivalent to the securities not delivered and valued at a valuation price. This is known as valuation debit.

What is pay in in stock market?

Pay-in means when you transfer funds to your demat account for delivery of services or for shortfall of margin in any trade or to pay charges to your broker. In this process, funds are transferred from your bank account to broker’s account which will reflect into your demat account balance.

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What is pay in shortage policy sharekhan?

In case there is an internal shortage in NSE, Sharekhan purchases the shares from the normal market and provides the shares to the buyer, on receipt of delivery.

What does pay in and pay payout mean?

Payin and Payouts are the days when brokers and exchanges make payment or delivery of the securities.

Which department of stock exchange looks after the pay in and pay-out for the securities traded?

What is SEBI and what is its role? The SEBI is the regulatory authority established under Section 3 of SEBI Act 1992 to protect the interests of the investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

What is payin and payout?

Payin is the process of delivering shares sold by the broker on behalf of their clients to the designated account of the clearing corporation. Payout is the process by which the clearing corporation allocates the securities to be received by the member broker on behalf of their clients.

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What is pay in pay out obligations?

+Pay In/-Pay Out obligation shows your profit and loss statement without brokerage and other charges. If the total amount shown is negative, then the amount was credited into your Trading account.

How can I sell shares without trading account?

Trading on the stock markets means buying and selling shares. You cannot do that without a demat account. This is because shares today are available only in dematerialized, i.e. electronic form, which is the only way in which shares can be traded.