
What is pre and code?

What is pre and code?

Description. The HTML tag is used for indicating preformatted text. The code tag surrounds the code being marked up. Browsers normally render pre text in a fixed-pitched font, with whitespace in tact, and without word wrap.

What is the difference between P and

There is no difference. In HTML, elements are case-insensitive. However, in XHTML, you must use lowercase.

What is a P tag?

: The Paragraph element The

HTML element represents a paragraph. Paragraphs are block-level elements, and notably will automatically close if another block-level element is parsed before the closing

tag. See “Tag omission” below.

What is the size of P tag?

Paragraph Tag or p tag is most commonly used tag to write a paragraph in HTML. By default p tag is Block level and occupy 1 em font size.

What is use of pre?

Pre- is used to form words that indicate that something takes place before a particular date, period, or event.

What is pre element?

The pre element represents a block of preformatted text where, in contrast with other elements, continuos spaces and line breaks are respected. This means that text lines won’t be splitted unless a line break is found. The pre element is commonly used to display computer code, plain text or ascii art.

What is pre tag in HTML?

: The Preformatted Text element. The HTML element represents preformatted text which is to be presented exactly as written in the HTML file. The text is typically rendered using a non-proportional, or “monospaced, font. Whitespace inside this element is displayed as written.

What is the meaning of Pree?

: to taste tentatively : sample. pree the mouth of. Scottish. : kiss.

Is pre a block element?

HTML5 agrees with this in “the pre element”: The pre element represents a block of preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic conventions rather than by elements.

What does pre formatted mean?

: to format (something) in advance preformat a disc The editing software preformats the page.

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