
What is RA in Sol result?

What is RA in Sol result?

R.A.denotes – Result Awaited. A denotes- Absent. E.R. denotes- Essential Repeat.

How do I check my SOL results?

Steps to check DU SOL Result

  1. Choose the ‘Select’ dropdown menu and press the ‘Marksheet/Result’.
  2. Type in the SOL roll number, exam roll number and then select the year of exam, course and part.

What happens if you fail the SOL twice?

Receiving a high school diploma requires passing SOL tests. School accreditation is on the line. If too many students fail to meet minimum SOL scores, the state could order changes — including personnel and administrative changes — at the school or within the school division.

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What is Sol OBE?

School of Open Learning, University of Delhi.

What is the passing marks in DU?

(a) The minimum marks required to pass any Course in a semester shall be 40\% in theory and 40\% in Practical, wherever applicable. The student must secure 40\% in the End Semester Examination and 40\% in the total of End Semester Examination & Internal Assessment of the Course for both theory & practical separately.

What is provisionally promoted?

Provisional promotion means provisionally or temporarily promoting students to the next academic session. Hence, by provisionally promoting them, the student list for the next academic session in the promoted classes can be then prepared with a very less effort.

How can I get Marksheet from Sol?

Step – 1 – The very first step obviously is to go to the official portal of the university at Step – 2 – Here, you will find Marksheet option so just click on it. Step – 3 – Now, you have to first enter your SOL number and your exam number.

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How to check Du Sol 3rd semester result 2020?

Visit the official DU SOL website at Under the “Students” section, click the Examination Results. The candidates will have to now click the desired result link Eg. M.A 3rd Semester Result May 2020.

How to check Du Sol B Com 1st year revaluation results 2020?

Find out the links for revaluation results form the latest news feed. Click on your concern result link like DU SOL B Com 1st year Revaluation result 2020. Now you will be asked to enter a few details like your roll number and name. Enter all details and click on get results. Take a print out of your result for further use.

How to check Sol exam results of Delhi University?

SOL, Delhi University has released the result for various UG and PG courses on its official website. Students can visit the website at to check their respective course-wise exam results.

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How to download the mark sheet for Du Sol?

The mark sheet for DU SOL will be released online on the official website. In order to download the mark sheet candidates need to enter the following details: Various distance mode UG and PG courses are offered by School of Open Learning, Delhi University through DU SOL admission.