
What is so great about Tokyo Story?

What is so great about Tokyo Story?

Tokyo Story also exemplifies Ozu’s unique style—low camera height, 180 degree cuts, virtually no camera movements, and shots linked through overlapping bits of space. In dialogue scenes, Ozu seldom cuts away from a speaking character. It’s as if every person has the right to be heard in full.

When was Tokyo Story made?

March 13, 1972 (USA)
Tokyo Story/Release date

Who wrote Tokyo Story?

Yasujirō Ozu
Kogo Noda
Tokyo Story/Screenplay

Is Tokyo Story a sequel?

Although all three films feature a character named Noirko and they all concern family and cultural dramas, marriage in particular, Early Summer and Tokyo Story are not sequels to Late Spring.

How does Chungking Express help distinguish the two parts of the movie?

How does Chungking Express help distinguish the two parts of the movie? One takes place on Hong Kong’s Kowloon peninsula, the other on Hong Kong Island. One takes place in a relatively safe neighborhood, the other in crime-ridden area. One takes place over a few days, the other is extended over a year.

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How long is Tokyo Story?

2h 16m
Tokyo Story/Running time

Is Tokyo story a good movie?

From these few elements Yasujiro Ozu made one of the greatest films of all time. “Tokyo Story” (1953) lacks sentimental triggers and contrived emotion; it looks away from moments a lesser movie would have exploited. It says, yes, a movie can help us make small steps against our imperfections.

Is Tokyo Story in English?

Tokyo Story/Languages

What family members do the elderly couple visit on their trip to Tokyo?

The couple travel to Tokyo to visit their son, daughter, and widowed daughter-in-law.

What is the story of Chungking Express?

Every day, Cop 223 (Takeshi Kaneshiro) buys a can of pineapple with an expiration date of May 1, symbolizing the day he’ll get over his lost love. He’s also got his eye on a mysterious woman in a blond wig (Brigitte Lin), oblivious of the fact she’s a drug dealer. Cop 663 (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) is distraught with heartbreak over a breakup. But when his ex drops a spare set of his keys at a local cafe, a waitress (Faye Wong) lets herself into his apartment and spruces up his life.
Chungking Express/Film synopsis

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Why does Chungking Express have two stories?

The film tells two different stories — both of them are about Hong Kong policemen who have had their hearts broken, both of whom frequent the same restaurant (the titular Express).