
What is SPS position?

What is SPS position?

The term SPS stands for Standard Positioning Service, and describes GPS position measurements that are based only on the C/A code (please see our GPS signal page for more on signal codes). These estimates are called pseudo-range measurements.

What is the difference between military and civilian GPS?

Did you know: the accuracy of civilian and military GPS is the same? According to, the only difference is that the military uses dual-frequency equipment. In some cases, GPS accuracy for civilians is superior through the use of GPS augmentation systems.

Which type of GPS positioning mode is more accurate?

As the satellite coordinates are given in the WGS 84 system, the obtained receiver coordinates will be in the WGS 84 system as well. However, most GPS receivers provide the transformation parameters between WGS 84 and many local datums used around the world. Figure 5.1 Principle of GPS point positioning.

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How accurate is PPS?

PPS signals have an accuracy ranging from a 12 picoseconds to a few microseconds per second, or 2.0 nanoseconds to a few milliseconds per day based on the resolution and accuracy of the device generating the signal.

What is PPS synchronization?

Pulse per second (PPS) is the simplest form of synchronization. PPS is a signal that outputs a high logic level once a second. The device interprets every subsequent pulse as occurring one second after the previous pulse.

How accurate is GPS location?

Ultimately, most GPS tracking devices are accurate to within three meters, allowing users to have fairly accurate location information. While operating in low-accuracy areas can negatively affect your results, GPS tracking technology has evolved to ensure stronger signals and greater accuracy.

What affects the accuracy of GPS?

It depends. GPS satellites broadcast their signals in space with a certain accuracy, but what you receive depends on additional factors, including satellite geometry, signal blockage, atmospheric conditions, and receiver design features/quality. However, their accuracy worsens near buildings, bridges, and trees.

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What is PPS reference?

A pulse per second (PPS or 1PPS) is an electrical signal that has a width of less than one second and a sharply rising or abruptly falling edge that accurately repeats once per second. PPS signals are output by radio beacons, frequency standards, other types of precision oscillators and some GPS receivers.