
What is the abbreviation for sister?

What is the abbreviation for sister?

Abbreviation of Sister

Word Abbreviation Category
Sister SIS, sis, Sista Texting, chat slang, slang, internet
Sister Sr. Ecclesiastical, Catholic, Christian
Sister Z Anthropology, Anthropology
Sister Si Genealogy, Genealogical

Does SR mean sister?

Abbreviation of sister; A title for a nun.

Why do people call nuns sisters?

Nuns are sisters because they can’t be the head of the church but are considered the family, same with brothers who are not sacramental ministers, meaning they are committed to the church but don’t serve God as a minister/priest. Originally Answered: Do nuns fall in love?

What is nun abbreviation?


Acronym Definition
Nun New Users Network (Ubuntu)
Nun Nipple-Union-Nipple (sensor connection)
Nun Network User Name
Nun New Unit Notification
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Does SIS mean sister?

Definition of sis (Entry 1 of 3) : sister —usually used in direct address. SIS. abbreviation.

What are the titles of nuns?

A nun who is elected to head her religious house is termed an abbess if the house is an abbey, a prioress if it is a monastery, or more generically may be referred to as “Mother Superior” and styled “Reverend Mother”.

How is senior shortened?

Snr is the written abbreviation for senior. It is used after someone’s name to distinguish them from a younger member of their family who has the same name.

Is sister same as nun?

Traditionally, nuns are members of enclosed religious orders and take solemn religious vows, while sisters do not live in the papal enclosure and formerly took vows called “simple vows”.

What is a Catholic lay sister?

n. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a woman who has taken the vows of a religious order but is not ordained and not bound to divine office.

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What is meant by SISO?

SISO (single input, single output) refers to a wireless communications system in which one antenna is used at the source (transmitter) and one antenna is used at the destination (receiver). SISO is the simplest antenna technology.